Test Rate List

Code Test Name Rate
1 India Ink Preparation  400
4 EMR 1
26 Covid Vaccine Test 0
1100 Urine R/E (Complete Analysis) 200
1101 Urine for Bacterial C/S (Aerobic) 1400
1103 Amylase (Spot Urine) 1000
1104 Osmolality (Spot Urine) 950
1107 Oxalate (24 Hrs Urine) 3000
1113 Protein (24 Hrs Urine) 800
1116 Hash Metabolites (Urine) 1450
1120 Potassium (24 Hrs Urine) 400
1121 Sodium (24 Hrs Urine) 400
1122 Hemosiderin (Urine) 1650
1123 Urine Sugar    Hrs 250
1130 Pepsi Cola Pakcage  8450
1132 CVP Tip  for  Bacterial C/S (Aerobic) with Gram Stain 1750
1133 Pre-Ramadan Health Checkup  3000
1134 pH &  Reducing Substances (Urine) 300
1136 Hemoglobin (Spot Urine) 250
1144 Gonorrhoea Screening (Gram Stain) (Urethral Swab) 400
1151 Uric Acid/Creatinine Ratio (Spot Urine) 1200
1152 Gene Expert MTB-RIF 3800
1155 Cystic Fluid  for  Bacterial C/S (Aerobic) with Gram Stain 1750
1156 Urethral Swab for Bacterial C/S (Aerobic) with Gram Stain 1750
1157 Vitreous Tap for Bacterial C/S (Aerobic) with Gram Stain 1750
1158 Tissue Biopsy for Bacterial C/S (Aerobic) with Gram Stain 1750
1159 DJ Stent  for  Bacterial C/S (Aerobic) with Gram Stain 1750
1161 Tracheal Secretions for Bacterial C/S (Aerobic) with Gram Stain 1750
1162 .Abolute Imm Granulocytes 500
1163 Liver Aspirate for Bacterial C/S (Aerobic) with Gram Stain 1750
1164 Abscess  for  Bacterial C/S (Aerobic) with Gram Stain 1750
1165 Pericardial Fluid for Bacterial C/S (Aerobic) with Gram Stain 1750
1166 Bone Marrow  for  Bacterial C/S (Aerobic) with Gram Stain 1750
1167 Corneal Scrapping  For  Bacterial C/S (Aerobic) E Gram Stain 1750
1168 IUCD for Bacterial C/S (Aerobic) with Gram Stain 1750
1170 Nasal Swab for Bacterial C/S (Aerobic) 1750
1171 Broncho Alveolar Lavage  for  Bacterial C/S (Aerobic) e Gram Stain 1750
1172 Cervical swab  for  Bacterial C/S (Aerobic) with Gram Stain 1750
1173 Pancreatic fluid for Bacterial C/S (Aerobic) with Gram Stain 1750
1174 Bed Sore  for  Bacterial C/S (Aerobic) with Gram Stain 1750
1175 Bone  for  Bacterial C/S (Aerobic) with Gram Stain 1750
1176 Aspiration Fluid  for  (Bacterial C/S (Aerobic) e Gram Stain) 1750
1177 Double Lumen Tube  for  Bacterial C/S (Aerobic) with Gram Stain 1750
1178 Tracheostomy Swab for Bacterial C/S (Aerobic) with Gram Stain 1750
1179 Drain Fluid  for  Bacterial C/S (Aerobic) with Gram Stain 1750
1180 Urethral Discharge Swab for Bacterial C/S (Aerobic) with Gram Stain 1750
1181 Conjunctival Swab  for  Bacterial C/S (Aerobic) with Gram Stain 1750
1182 Vitreous Aspirate for Bacterial C/S (Aerobic) with Gram Stain 1750
1183 Stem Cells Preparation (Through Plasma Phoresis) 220000
1185 Test Case 500
1200 Stool for R/E 500
1201 Stool for C/S (Salmonella/Shigella/Vibrio spp.) 1750
1202 pH & Reducing Substances (Stool) 300
1204 Stool  for  Occult Blood  400
1207 Semen for Analysis 500
1208 Semen for Bacterial C/S (Aerobic) with Gram Stain 1750
1209 Sputum for Cytology 1450
1210 Sputum for Bacterial C/S (Aerobic) 1750
1211 Sputum for AFB Smear/ZN Stain 400
1212 Sputum for Gram Stain 400
1213 AFB C/S  (Sputum  for  Mycobacterium Tuberculosis) 3600
1214 Synovial Fluid for Analysis 800
1215 Synovial Fluid for Bacterial C/S (Aerobic) with Gram Stain 1750
1216 Throat Swab for Bacterial C/S (Aerobic)  1750
1217 Fungus Stain/Fungal Smear (KOH) (Specimen Name: 650
1219 Pus for Bacterial C/S (Aerobic) with Gram Stain (Specimen Name:  1750
1221 Pus for Cytology 1450
1222 AFB C/S  (Pus  for  Mycobacterium Tuberculosis) 3600
1223 Pus for AFB Smear/ZN Stain 400
1224 Pus for Gram Stain 400
1225 Wound Swab for Bacterial C/S (Aerobic) with Gram Stain (Specimen Name: 1750
1228 HVS for Bacterial C/S (Aerobic) with Wet Smear 1750
1229 Giemsa Stain (Specimen Name  400
1230 HVS for Gram Stain/Wet Smear  400
1231 AFB Smear/ZN Stain (Specimen Name: 400
1232 Gram Stain (Specimen Name: 400
1233 Urethral Swab for Gonorrhea C/S 1750
1234 Fluid Slides  for  Review with Gram Stain & ZN Stain  1650
123456 Testing Report 500
1235 Wound Secretion for Bacterial C/S (Aerobic) with Gram Stain 1750
1237 Stool  for  Undigested Food Particles  300
1238 pH (Urine) 250
1239 Acanthocytes (Spot Urine) 250
1240 cMPL Mutation (W515k,W515L) (From NIBD) 6500
1241 APTT Based Clotting Factor Inhibitor Screening  1650
1242 pH (Fluid) 250
1247 Sputum for D/R 700
1248 Drugs Screen Profile 4900
12548 Testing report 500
1279 Amphetamine/Methamphetamine  1450
1280 Barbiturates 1450
1281 Benzodiazepines  1450
1282 Cannabinoids  1450
1283 Cocaine  1450
1284 Methadone  1450
1285 Phencyclidine  1450
1286 Opiates  1450
1287 Tricyclic Antidepressants (Serum) 1450
1288 Antenatal Screen  for  Rh Antibodies 4000
1289 Coombs Test 600
1291 Phlebotomy  For  Polycythemia Patient 800
1292 Washed RBC's Pack Cell 2000
1293 Leukocyte Filter 4500
1296 Red Cell Antibody Identification 3000
1297 PRP (Platelets Rich Plasma) 2500
1298 Plasma Exchange Procedure  26500
1299 Red Cell Phenotyping (From NIBD) 8250
1300 Blood C/E (Complete Blood Count) 500
1301 Hb (Hemoglobin) 400
1302 WBC Count (TLC) 400
1303 DLC 400
1304 ESR 300
1305 PT with INR  (Prothrombin Time) 400
1306 APTT 400
1307 RBC Morphology 500
1308 Fibrinogen 1550
1309 FDP's (D-Dimer) 2600
1310 Total RBC 350
1311 Platelet Count  400
1312 Blood  for  C/S (Single Bottle) 2700
1313 LE Cells 650
1314 Reticulocytes 300
1315 Malarial Parasite (MP) 550
1317 WBC's Morphology 400
1318 Osmotic / RBC's Fragility 750
1320 G6PD Qualitative 1450
1321 HCT (Hematocrit) 400
1323 Blood  for  C/S (Aerobic & Anaerobic Two Bottles) 4000
1324 Urea Clot Lysis ( For  Factor Xlll Screening) 1100
1325 Malarial Parasite Slide(Thick & Thin) 300
1326 Cold Agglutination Test 700
1327 MCV 350
1328 MCH 350
1329 MCHC 350
1330 Ham's Test 900
1331 B/N Ratio  600
1333 Blood C/E e Peripheral Film/Smear 1000
1335 Malaria ICT 300
1336 Coombs Direct (Polyspecific) 550
1345 Bleeding Time (BT) 100
1346 Clotting Time (CT) 100
1347 Rh Antibodies (Anti D Antibodies) Titer 600
1348 Protein C 4200
1349 Free Protein S 4200
1350 Anti-Thrombin  4850
1351 CBC Blood C/E  for  Dengue Patients (Hb, TLC, Hct, Platelet Count) 90
1353 Buccal Smear  for  Barr bodies with History 900
1354 .Absolute Eosinophil Count 200
1355 Breast Cancer NGS Panel 150000
1356 Eosinophil Count (Urine) 350
1357 .Absolute Neutrophil Count 200
1358 .Absolute Lymphocyte Count 200
1359 .Absolute Monocyte Count 200
1360 Absolute Values / Cell Count 650
1361 .Absolute Basophil Count 200
1362 Sickling Test 400
1363 Red Cell Antibody Screen / Indirect Coombs 900
1365 Blood  for  Flow Cytometry 16000
1366 Platelet Aggregation Study with History 3300
1371 Eosinophil Count (Sputum) 350
1373 Type 300
1374 Mixing Studies with History 1650
1375 P2Y12 Blockade Test 7000
1378 Immature Platelet Fraction (IPF) 1350
1380 Comprehensive Metabolic Profile (CMP) 3500
1381 NPM     (Form NIBD) 6800
1382 Unstable Hemoglobin 1650
1383 Lymphocytes Subset Analysis     (Form NIBD) 33000
1384 Chromosome Breakage  for  Fanconi Anaemia with history      (Form NIBD) 14900
1385 Factor V Leiden Screening (Activated Protein C Resistance) 4900
1387 pH (CSF) 250
1390 Calcium/Creatinine Ratio (Spot Urine) 1000
1391 WBC Count (TLC) (Fluid) 400
1400 Blood Glucose (Fasting) 150
1401 Blood Glucose (Random) 150
1402 1 Hour Post Prandial         250
1411 Plasma Glucose (Before Lunch)  250
1412 Plasma Glucose (After Lunch) 250
1414 Plasma Glucose (Before Dinner)  250
1415 Plasma Glucose (After Dinner)  250
1416 Urine Glucose Fasting 250
1420 2 Hour Post Prandial  300
1421 Blood Glucose 3 Hours 300
1424 Urea Breath Test (Heliprobe) 6000
1425 Urine Sugar 1   Hrs 250
1429 Blood Alcohol Level 1750
1432 . 900
1433 RDW CV 900
1435 Urine Sugar 3 Hrs 250
1438 Urine Glucose 1 Hour 250
1439 Urine Glucose 2 Hour 250
1440 Urine Sugar 2   Hrs 250
1444 ... 1
1445 GTT/GCT (75 Gram Glucose) 700
1446 GTT Urine ( 75 Gram Glucose) 1
1447 .... 600
1449 Whole Day Glucose Test 900
1461 Nasal Secretions for Glucose 250
1501 Bilirubin Total  300
1502 Bilirubin Conjugated  100
1503 SGPT (ALT) 350
1504 AST (SGOT) 400
1505 Alkaline Phosphatase 400
1506 GGT 700
1507 Total Protein (Serum) 300
1508 Albumin (Serum) 300
1509 Complete LFTs (Liver Function Tests)  1400
1510 Globulins  500
1511 A/G Ratio 700
1512 Prealbumin (From UK) 21000
1514 Bilirubin T,Conjugated,Unconjugated 500
1515 SAAG (Serum Ascites Albumin Gap) 650
1516 Total Protein Group 600
1517 Bilirubin Total (Fluid) 400
1520 Protein (Fluid) 550
1547 Ionized Calcium (Serum) 900
1601 Urea (Serum) 300
1602 BUN (Blood Urea Nitrogen) 550
1603 Creatinine (Serum) 300
1604 Creatinine Clearance (24 Hrs Urine & Serum) 1100
1605 Urea Clearance 900
1606 Protein (Spot Urine) 300
1607 Creatinine (Spot Urine) 550
1608 Drain Urine  for  Urea  550
1609 Catheter  for  Urea (24 Hrs Urine) 550
1610 Chloride/Creatinine Ratio (Spot Urine) 1200
1612 Uric Acid (Spot Urine) 600
1613 Phosphate (Spot Urine) 550
1614 Urea (Spot Urine) 550
1615 Basic Metabolic Profile (BMP) 2200
1616 Urea (Fluid) 550
1617 Creatinine (Fluid) 550
1619 BUN / Creatinine Ratio (Serum) 1200
1624 Estimated Glomerular Filtration Rate (eGFR) 1000
1625 Protein Creatinine Ratio (PCR Spot Urine) 800
1628 RFts (Renal Function Tests) 700
1680 Cholestrol (Fluid) 550
1681 Triglycerides (Fluid) 550
1700 Electrolytes (Serum) 1000
1701 Sodium 400
1702 Potassium 400
1703 Chloride 350
1704 Bicarbonate 1500
1705 Calcium (Serum) 700
1706 Phosphate PO4 (Serum) 700
1707 Magnesium (Serum) 900
1708 Lithium 1100
1709 Copper (Serum) 1650
1710 Ammonia (NH3) 1300
1711 Chloride (Spot Urine) 350
1712 Chloride (24 Hrs Urine) 350
1713 Chloride (Fluid) 350
1749 Corrected Calcium (Serum) 900
1800 Cardiac  Enzymes  1800
1801 CPK 700
1802 CK-MB 700
1803 LDH (Serum) 500
1806 Cardiac Profile with Troponin I 2500
1807 Troponin-T 1200
1810 BNP 2400
1811 NT-ProBNP 2700
1900 . 600
1901 Lipid Profile 1400
1902 Cholesterol (Serum) 350
1903 Triglycerides (Serum) 350
1904 HDL (Cholesterol) 550
1905 LDL (Cholesterol) 550
1907 VLDL 500
1909 Non HDL (Cholesterol) 500
1911 Lipoprotein (A) 1300
2001 Manual Platelet Count  500
2004 Samples Transpotration Out of Country Charges 16500
2005 Clinical Checkup 1500
2006 Clinical Checkup & Skin Examination  For  Allergies  1500
2007 Height 250
2008 Weight 250
2009 Spirometry 1500
2010 Vision Assessment 1000
2011 Pak Suzuki Tests Package 2320
2012 Coca Cola Rahim Yar Khan Package 5731
2013 Faysal Bank Ltd Pre-Employment Package 6825
2014 Clariant Chemical Pakistan Ltd  Pre-Employment Package 12200
2015 Clariant Chemical Pakistan Ltd  Pre-Employment Package Exposure  17300
2016 Allied Bank Limited ABL Pre-Employment Package 12650
2017 GETZ Pharma Phase-1 Screening Package 5750
2018 GETZ Pharma Phase-2 Visit-1 Package 2900
2019 GETZ Pharma Phase-2 Visit-2 Package 1750
2020 GETZ Pharma Phase-1 Visit-3 Package 6900
2021 GETZ Pharma Phase-1 Visit-4 Package 8650
2022 GETZ Pharma Lahore Project Package 28250
2023 SSCD-1 NEPHRO Profile (Package) 2550
2024 SSCD-2 Diabes Profile (Package) 850
2025 SSCD-3 Cardio Profile (Package) 1400
2100 Mantoux Test (PPD) 300
2200 Stone for Chemical Analysis  2400
2201 Ascitic Fluid for Analysis  1000
2202 Ascitic Fluid  for  (Bacterial C/S (Aerobic) e Gram Stain) 1750
2203 AFB C/S  (Ascitic Fluid  for  (Mycobacterium Tuberculosis)  3600
2204 HDV PCR (Qualitative) 6000
2205 Ascitic Fluid  for  (AFB Smear/ZN Stain) 400
2206 Ascitic Fluid  for  (Gram Stain) 400
2207 Anti-Chikungunya Virus IgM 2700
2208 Pleural Fluid for Analysis 1000
2209 Pleural Fluid for Bacterial C/S (Aerobic) with Gram Stain 1750
2210 AFB C/S  (Pleural Fluid  for  Mycobacterium Tuberculosis) 3600
2211 T-Spot TB Test 7500
2212 Pleural Fluid for AFB Smear/ZN Stain 400
2213 Pleural Fluid for Gram Stain 400
2214 Anti-Chikungunya Virus IgG 2700
2215 Bronchial Washings  for  Analysis. 1500
2216 Bronchial Washings  for  Bacterial C/S (Aerobic) with Gram Stain 1750
2217 AFB C/S  (Bronchial Washingss  for  Mycobacterium Tuberculosis) 3600
2218 CMV by PCR (Viral Load / Quantitation) 10500
2219 Slide for H & E Stain 400
2220 MHD-Complete without Meds 5000
2221 MHD-Discounted  4500
2222 CSF  for  TLC & DLC 650
2223 CSF  for  Bacterial C/S (Aerobic) with Gram Stain 1750
2224 AFB C/S  (CSF  for  Mycobacterium Tuberculosis) 3600
2225 Herpes (HSV 1 & 2) PCR (Qualitative) 6500
2226 CSF  for  AFB Smear/ZN Stain  400
2227 CSF  for  Gram Stain 400
2228 Man Diesel & Turbo Test Package 8745
2229 Peritoneal Fluid for Analysis 1650
2230 Peritoneal Fluid for Bacterial C/S (Aerobic) with Gram Stain 1750
2231 Bacterial isolate  for  Biochemical (API) testing 1600
2236 Fluid  for  Analysis (LDH+Albumin) Fluid Name:- 1650
2237 Fluid  for  Bacterial C/S (Aerobic) with Gram Stain 1750
2238 Fungus C/S with Fungus Stain (KOH) (Specimen Name: 2100
2239 AFB C/S  (Mycobacterium Tuberculosis) (Specimen name?) 3600
2240 Milk for Cytology 1450
2241 Joint Fluid for Analysis e Uric Acid Crystals 1650
2242 Joint Fluid for Bacterial C/S (Aerobic) with Gram Stain 1750
2243 Coca Cola Rahim Yar Khan Produection Plat 5731
2244 Dengue RNA by PCR 5500
2245 Hospital OT Swab for Bacterial growth (Specimen: 1500
2246 Home Visit Charge 350
2247 Cytology  for  any Specimen (Specimen Name: 1450
2248 LDH (Fluid) 550
2249 Protein (CSF) 550
2250 Hospital OT Microscope Swab for Bacterial growth 1500
2251 LDH (CSF) 550
2252 Hospital OT Suction Machine Swab for Bacterial growth 1500
2253 Milk for Bacterial C/S (Aerobic) with Gram Stain 1750
2254 Hospital OT Bed/Table Swab for Bacterial growth 1500
2255 Hospital OT Wall Swab for Bacterial growth 1500
2256 Hospital OT Floor Swab for Bacterial growth 1500
2257 Hospital OT Air for Bacterial growth 1500
2258 Hospital OT Anesthesia Swab for Bacterial growth 1500
2259 Ear Swab  for  Bacterial C/S (Aerobic) with Gram Stain 1750
2260 PAS Stain (Specimen Name: 550
2261 Albumin (Fluid) 450
2262 Albumin (CSF) 500
2266 CSF  for  Analysis 800
2403 Metabolic Studies for Stone 1800
2500 Widal  400
2601 Brucella Test 600
2602 . 300
2700 Amylase (Serum) 600
2702 Iron Level 900
2703 Total Iron Binding Capacity (TIBC) 900
2704 Uric Acid (Serum) 350
2706 Aldolase 1500
2707 Amylase (Fluid) 1000
2715 3D Hematology (From NIBD) 2050
2716 Lipase (Serum) 1000
2717 Transferrin Saturation (Iron & TIBC) 2100
2718 Amylase (24 Hrs Urine) 1000
2719 Uric Acid (Fluid) 600
2721 Anion Gap (Serum) 1000
2722 Lipase (Fluid) 1000
2800 Blood Group & Rh Factor 200
2801 Blood Group & Cross Match (Donor Name) 950
2802 FFP's (Donor Name:  1300
2803 FFP's with Complete Screening (One Bag) 3000
2804 Pack Cell (Donor Name: 1300
2805 Pack Cell with Complete Screening (One Bag) 4000
2806 Platelets by Cell Seperator (Donor Name: 26500
2807 Platelet Concentrate Single Unit (Random Donor) 2200
2808 Donor Screening: HBsAg , HCV, HIV, HBc,VDRL, MP, HB 4500
2810 Cross Matching with Elisa Screening (Donor Name: Mr. 6500
2811 Platelets by Cryofuge (Donor Name: 1300
2812 Stem Cell Procedure (In Case Of Additional Charged) 20000
2813 Cross Match & Phenotyped\Antigen Negative Packed Red Cells with Screening  8500
2814 Cross Match & Phenotyped\Antigen Negative Packed Red Cells without Screening  3350
2815 Cross Match with Lymphocytes (Patient)      (Form NIBD) 9450
2816 Cross Match with Lymphocytes (Donor)      (Form NIBD) 9450
2817 Cryo with Complete Screening (One Bag) 3000
2819 Transferrin 550
2820 ABO Isohemagglutinin Titre (IHA) 1500
2851 Platelet Rich Plasma for Platelet count 400
3400 RA Factor (Quantitative) 700
3403 Pregnancy Test Urine (HCG) 150
3405 Antistreptolysin O Titer(ASOT) 700
3407 CRP (Quantitative) 900
3408 Monospot 900
3409 VDRL/RPR/Syphilis 400
3440 RA Factor (Fluid) 1000
3475 Biopsy  for  H/P (Medium + Extra Large specimen) with History 7000
3476 Biopsy  for  H/P (Two Medium Specimens) with History 5500
3477 Biopsy  for  H/P (Medium + Large specimen) with History 6000
3478 Biopsy  for  H/P (Small + Medium specimen) with History 4500
3479 Biopsy  for  H/P (Medium Specimen) with History 2800
3480 Reticulin Stain (Histo) 1650
3481 Skin Biopsy for H/P & (Immunofluorescence and Light Microscopy)  7300
3482 Biopsy  for  H/P (Two Large Specimens) with History 4500
3483 Biopsy  for  H/P (Amputation) with History 7500
3484 Biopsy  for  H/P (Two Specimens Small + Large) with History 4000
3486 Special Histo Stains (Iron Stain, Trichrome Stain ,Reticulum Stain,Cooper Stain,GMS stain and Amyloid stain) 3000
3487 Biopsy  for  H/P (Three or More Specimens) with History 5000
3488 Biopsy  for  H/P (Two Small Specimens) with History 4000
3489 Biopsy  for  H/P (Large Specimen) with History 4500
3490 Biopsy  for  H/P (Small Specimen) with History 2500
3491 Bone Marrow Slide & Block  for  review with history 10000
3492 Biopsy, Slide(s) & Block(s)  for  review 10000
3494 Frozen Section (One Specimen) & Biopsy  For  H/P 6000
3495 Biopsy  for  Prepare Blocks & Slides Only (without Reporting) 1500
3496 Block(s) & Slide (s)  for  Patient (all block(s) charges) 450
3497 Her 2-Neu (Staining) 4900
3498 Renal Biopsy  for  H/P & (Immunofluorescence and Light Microscopy)  8000
3499 Immuno-Chemistry (Slides / Blocks) 10000
3500 Biopsy  for  H/P (Extra Large Specimen) with History 5500
3501 Bone Marrow Biopsy (Procedure & Reporting) 6500
3502 FNAC (Procedure & Reporting) 3500
3503 PAP Smear for Cytological Examination (Slides) 2500
3504 FNAC (Received Slides  for  Review) 2500
3505 ER/PR Receptors (Estrogen,Progesterone Receptors) 5000
3506 Sodium (Urine) 400
3507 Potassium (Urine) 400
3508 Calcium (24 Hrs Urine) 550
3509 Chromosome Analysis with History (Bone Marrow)       (Form NIBD)  17000
3510 Urea (24 Hrs Urine) 550
3511 Creatinine (24 Hrs Urine) 550
3512 Uric Acid (24 Hrs Urine) 600
3513 Phosphate (24 Hrs Urine) 550
3515 MLL Gene Arrangment (Bone Marrow)      (Form NIBD) 7750
3517 Ketones (Spot Urine) 150
3519 Chromosomal Analysis / Peripheral  Blood  for  Karayotyping with history        (Form NIBD)    15500
3520 Urine Sugar  250
3521 Calcium (Spot Urine) 550
3523 Citrate Level (24 Hrs Urine) 2700
3524 Specific Gravity (Spot Urine) 250
3527 Specific Gravity (CSF) 250
3528 Cytogenetics Analysis with History (Bone Marrow)      (Form NIBD) 12500
3529 PAP Smear for LBC   1800
3532 Frozen Section (Additional One Specimen Charges) 3000
3533 Magnesium (24 Hrs Urine) 600
3534 Sodium (Fluid) 400
3535 Potassium (Fluid) 400
3536 Immuno-Chemistry (Bone Marrow Trephine) with History 10000
3600 Arterial Blood Gases (ABG's) 2000
3601 Venous Blood Gases (VBGs) 2000
3602 Osmolality (Serum) 950
3877 Entamoeba Histolytica ABs (Amoebiasis) 3100
3879 Echinococcus Abs (IgG) 2900
3880 Fungitell Level      (Form NIBD) 19000
3881 Respiratory Infectious Panel 40000
3882 Gastrointestinal Infectious Panel 40000
3883 Meningitis / Encephalitis Infectious Panel 40000
3884 Septicemia ( Blood ) Infectious Panel 40000
4039 CytogeneticStudy 1500
4040 Luminex Screen PRA test 1500
4041 Single Antigen Class I  PRA test 1500
4100 Thyroid Function Tests (T3, T4, TSH) 2700
4101 Total T3 800
4102 Total T4 800
4103 TSH 1200
4104 LH 1500
4105 FSH 1500
4106 Free T4 1400
4107 Total Prolactin 1500
4108 Progesterone 2300
4109 Free T3 1400
4110 Folic Acid (Folate Level) 1700
4111 Vitamin B12 1700
4112 Cortisol (AM) 1300
4113 Cortisol (PM) 1300
4114 17-OH Progesterone  3300
4115 Growth Hormone 2300
4118 Estradiol (Serum) 2300
4119 Adrenocorticotropic Hormone (ACTH) 2700
4120 DHEA-SO4 (Dehydroepiandrosterone Sulfate) 1950
4121 Gastrin Level Fasting 4600
4122 5 HIAA (24 Hrs Urine) (5-Hydroxyindoleacetic Acid) 3800
4123 Angiotensin Converting Enzyme (ACE) 3300
4124 Total Testosterone 1700
4125 Intact Parathyroid Hormone (iPTH) 3300
4126 Dihydrotestosterone (DHT)  3000
4127 Androstenedione 2800
4128 Free Testosterone 3000
4130 Fluorescent Treponemal Antibodies (FTA-Abs) 4250
4132 Homocysteine Level  1600
4133 Basic Thyroid Profile (FT3, FT4, TSH) 3200
4134 Extended Thyroid Profile (FT3, FT4, TSH,Total T3,Total T4) 5000
4137 Anti-Insulin Antibodies  (From UK) 28000
4139 Ceruloplasmin 1600
4140 T-Uptake 1250
4145 Growth Hormone Stimulation Test (By Exercise) 4400
4146 Triple Test with (Ultra Sound Report) Profile   (From AKU) 13750
4148 Haptoglobin Level 1000
4149 NIPT (Harmony / Prenatal Safe)    (From UK) 66000
4150 LFTs (Liver Function Tests) 600
4151 Anti-Cardiolipin IgG 4800
4152 Anti-Cardiolipin IgM 4800
4153 Catecholamines Group of Tests  (24 Hrs Urine) 8250
4154 Blood Lead Level 8500
4155 Beta-2 Microglobulin 3000
4156 BRCA I/II  (From UK) 206000
4158 Treponema pallidum Antibodies (Syphilis) (CSF) 1350
4159 Aldosterone / Direct Renin Ratio (ADRR) 7100
4160 Insulin (Fasting) 2400
4161 Insulin (1 Hrs after 75 Grams Glucose) 2400
4162 Insulin (2 Hrs after 75 Grams Glucose) 2400
4163 Insulin (3 Hrs after 75 Grams Glucose) 2400
4164 Insulin (4 Hrs after 75 Grams Glucose) 2400
4165 Insulin (5 Hrs after 75 Grams Glucose) 2400
4166 Insulin Resistance Test (After 75 Grams Glucose) 5500
4167 Prenatal Profile  11000
4169 Red Cell Folic Acid  1550
4170 Anti-LKM Antibodies 1950
4171 Aldosterone Level 3300
4172 Sinus Screation for Bacterial C/S (Aerobic) WITH Gram Stain 1750
4175 TSH Receptor Antibody (Thyroid Stimulating Immunoglobulins (TSI)  3150
4176 Anti-Tissue Transglutaminase IgG (TTG) 2600
4177 Anti-Tissue Transglutaminase IgA (TTG) 2600
4178 Anti-CCP 3800
4181 Chlamydia IgG 2600
4182 Chlamydia IgM 2600
4183 Treponema pallidum Antibodies (Syphilis) (Serum) 1350
4184 C-Peptide Level  2600
4186 Stool for Helicobacter Pylori Antigen 1000
4187 Insulin-like Growth Factor-1 (IGF-1) 6000
4188 Stool for Clostridium-Difficile Toxin 2700
4189 Dengue NS1 Antigen 500
4190 Insulin (2  Hrs after 75 Grams Glucose) 2400
4191 Insulin (  Hrs After 75 Grams Glucose) 2400
4192 Insulin (1  Hrs after 75 Grams Glucose) 2400
4193 Phospholipid Syndrome Profile 16000
4194 Adenosine Deaminase (ADA) (Fluid) 3900
4195 Anti-Mullerian Hormone (AMH) 6500
4197 ...... 200
4198 Dengue Serology 400
4201 HBsAg 300
4202 Hepatitis A virus (HAV) 800
4203 HBsAg ELIZA: 1400
4204 Anti-HBc (Total) 1750
4205 Anti-HBc IgM 1950
4206 HBeAg 1550
4207 Anti-HBe 1950
4208 Anti-HCV 300
4209 Anti-HDV 2200
4210 Hepatitis E Virus (HEV) 800
4211 Anti-HIV - 1 & 2 Eliza 4500
4212 Hepatitis "B" Profile 8800
4213 HbsAg & HCV 600
4214 Anti-HEV IgM eliza 400
4215 Anti HCV ELIZA: 1400
4216 HBsAg (Quantitative) 2700
4221 Free Androgen Index (FAI) 4500
4222 Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) Confirmatory Test 13200
4223 Screening Package of Hepatitis (B & C) 3000
4225 Adenosine Deaminase (ADA) (CSF) 3900
4230 H Pylori Antibodies (Blood) 400
4234 Helicobacter Pylori Antibodies (IgA) 1800
4236 Adenosine Deaminase (ADA) (Serum) 3900
4238 ACTH Stimulation Test (Short Synacthen Test) 3000
4239 Growth Hormone Stimulation Test (by L-DOPA/CarbiDOPA) 7000
4240 Growth Hormone Stimulation Test By Insulin 15000
4242 Anti-Thyroid Antibodies Profile (ATA) 4000
4243 Free Thyroxin Index (FTI, T7) 2450
4245 Malarial Parasite (MP) 80
4246 Dexamethasone Suppression Test   1800
4250 Anti-HIV - 1 & 2 500
4300 Alpha Fetoprotein (AFP) 2500
4301 Carcinoembryonic Antigen (CEA) 3500
4302 CA 125 4000
4303 Beta hCG 1300
4304 PSA 3000
4305 CA 15-3 2450
4306 CA 19-9 3300
4309 Beta hCG (Male) 1500
4311 Fraction Sodium Excretion  900
4400 Digoxin (Serum) 1450
4401 Carbamazepine (Tegretol) 1300
4403 Valproic Acid (Epival) 2300
4404 Phenytoin (Dilantin) 1300
4406 Cyclosporine (Whole Blood) 5500
4407 C2 Monitoring (Whole Blood) 5500
4408 Vancomycin 1300
4410 Leishmania Antibodies  (Skin Cutt Smear) 400
4419 Tacrolimus 5500
4420 Sirolimus 5500
4421 Chem 7 Profile 2500
4422 Muscle Enzymes Profile 2700
4423 Iron Status Profile 2200
4424 Executive Profile (Male) 15500
4425 Fructosamine    (From UK) 21000
4427 Osteoporosis Profile 3800
4429 Diabetes Profile 1850
4430 Chest Pain Profile 3300
4431 Female Infertility Profile 14300
4432 Male Infertility Profile 9400
4433 Polycystic Ovary Syndrome Profile 14300
4434 Menopause Profile 10500
4435 Pituitary Function Profile 6500
4436 Amenorrhoea Profile 5500
4437 STD Male Profile 14300
4438 STD Female Profile 14300
4439 Connective Tissue Disorder Profile 22000
4440 Systemic Lupus Erythematosus Profile 19800
4441 Arthritis Profile 5950
4442 Rheumatology Profile (Rheumatoid Disease) 6800
4444 Coagulation Profile 1650
4445 Thrombophilia Profile 23000
4446 Anemia Profile 6000
4447 Antenatal Profile 16500
4448 Cardiovascular Risk Profile 3300
4449 Basic Health Profile 7700
4450 Executive Profile (Female) 15500
4451 Everolimus 5500
4452 Heart Disease Profile 4900
4453 Bone Profile 4300
4454 Paracetamol level  (From UK) 30000
4455 Young Health Profile 5500
4456 Senior Citizen Men Health Profile 4400
4457 Senior Citizen Women Health Profile 6000
4458 Healthy Heart Profile 5000
4459 Healthy Pregnancy Profile 50000
4460 Dialysis Profile 6400
4461 Pre-Marital Profile 6600
4462 Dengue Profile 7500
4463 Polycystic Ovary Syndrome Profile (PCOS) 5200
4464 Executive Health Checkup 29500
4600 Complement Level C3  2000
4601 Complement Level C4  2000
4602 IgA 800
4603 IgG 800
4604 IgM 800
4605 IgE 2400
4606 Ferritin 1500
4607 HCV PCR (Qualitative) 7000
4608 MTB PCR Qualitative 4400
4609 HBV PCR (Qualitative) 6500
4610 HCV PCR (Viral Load / Quantitation) 9500
4611 Immunoglobulins (IgA,IgG,IgM) 2300
4612 HPV DNA Test 6000
4613 Quantiferon TB Gold Plus 8250
4616 Morphine Derivatives  (Urine) 1450
4617 HBV PCR (Viral Load / Quantitation) 9500
4618 HMD-HFE Comman Mutation  (From UK) 48000
4619 Dengue Virus Genotyping on PCR 5500
4620 HEV BY PCR (Quantitation) 6500
4621 HCV Genotyping By PCR 12500
4622 Swine Flu PCR (H1N1) 8700
4623 HIV BY PCR (Viral Load / Quantitation) 9500
4625 BCR-ABL By PCR (Quantitation) 19500
4640 Congo Virus (CCHF) PCR Qualitative 4750
4646 HLA B27 Allele by PCR 12300
4647 3gAllergy Specific IgE Universal Food Allergens Profile 5500
4648 3gAllergy Specific IgE Universal Inhalant Allergens Profile 5500
4655 HDV PCR (Viral Load / Quantitation) 9500
4657 Chlamydia trachomatis and Neisseria gonorrhoeae (CTNG) 9500
4660 ENA QUANTRIX 25 IgG 9500
4663 Bence Jones Protein 500
4664 MRSA PCR (Methicillin Resistant Staphylococcus Aureus) 10000
4667 ANA (Antinuclear Antibodies) 5000
4670 Anti-Nuclear Antibodies Group (ANA,AMA,ASMA) 5500
4671 Anti-Parietal Cells Antibodies  2500
4672 Food Detective 12000
4673 Respiratory Pathogen 25000
4674 JC Virus (John Cunningham) PCR (Quantitation) 8000
4675 Covid-19 (CoronaVirus) by PCR Qualitative 7900
4678 COVID-19 (SARS-CoV-2) PCR Test Travel Certificate 7900
4700 Torch Profile 2000
4701 Rubella IgG 2500
4702 Rubella IgM 2500
4703 Toxoplasma IgG 300
4704 Toxoplasma IgM 300
4705 CMV IgG (Cytomegalovirus) 2500
4706 CMV IgM (Cytomegalovirus) 2500
4707 Herpes IgG (HSV) 2500
4708 Herpes IgM (HSV) 2500
4709 Anti-HSV 1 & 2 IgG (CSF) 3950
4711 CMV IgG 1200
4714 FLT 3 Mutation by PCR       (Form NIBD) 9300
4715 Human Herpes Virus-6 (HHV-6)      (Form NIBD) 17000
4802 HbA1C (Glycosylated Hemoglobin) 1500
4803 Vanillylmandelic Acid (VMA) (24 Hrs Urine) 2200
4804 Microalbumin (24 Hrs Urine) 900
4805 Anti-dsDNA 5000
4806 Troponin I (High Sensitive) 1750
4809 Typhidot IgG 1400
4810 Typhidot 400
4811 Typhidot IgM 1400
4813 Urine Microalbumin (ACR) 1000
4816 ADAMTS 13 Activity  (From UK) 81000
4817 Fibroblast growth factor 23 (FGF 23)  (From UK) 46000
4850 Autoimmune Liver Disease Profile 5500
5003 Measles IgM Antibodies 1800
5004 Measles IgG Antibodies 1800
5005 Varicella Zoster Virus (Chicken Pox) IgG 3100
5006 DNA Mutation  for  Beta Thalassaemia in Blood       (Form NIBD) 4500
5007 Anti-Parvovirus B19 IgM 2900
5008 Human IgG 4 7700
5009 Varicella Zoster Virus (Chicken Pox) IgG Antibodies (CSF) 3600
5010 Protein Electrophoresis (Serum) 1300
5011 HB. Electrophoresis  3000
5012 Imunofixation Electropherosis / Immunotyping  6000
5014 vWF Gene Sequencing     (Form NIBD) 33000
5016 Varicella Zoster Virus (Chicken Pox) IgM Antibodies 3600
5017 C-ANCA, PR3 (Proteinase 3) 3300
5018 P-ANCA, MPO (Myeloperoxidase) 3300
5019 Acetylcholine Receptor Abs (ACRA) 8250
5020 Anti-Sperm Antibodies  3000
5021 Anti-Scl-70 2400
5022 MMR Colorectal Cancer    (From UK) 126000
5023 Lactate Level (Serum) 1600
5025 Leptospiral IgG Antibodies  3000
5026 Lupus Anticoagulant  6500
5030 Sex Hormone Binding Globulin (SHBG ) 1650
5031 Anti-Thyroglobulin Antibodies (ATG) 900
5032 Anti-Measles IgG (CSF) 3950
5034 DNA Mutation  for  Thalassaemia in CVS      (Form NIBD) 6000
5035 DNA Mutation  for  Alpha Thalassaemia in Blood      (Form NIBD) 4900
5036 XMN Polymorphism (Thalassaemia)      (Form NIBD) 4900
5037 Thalassaemia Genetic Profile in Blood       (Form NIBD) 8800
5038 Anti-Phospholipid IgG 2400
5039 Anti-Phospholipid IgM 2400
5041 Direct Renin Concentration (Plasma)  3500
5042 Procalcitonin (PCT) 4800
5044 Pancreatic Elastase-1 (Stool) 5200
5045 Lactate Level (CSF) 1100
5046 Anti-GBM 3300
5048 Fragile X Syndrome  (From UK) 76000
5050 25-Hydroxy Vitamin D3 2800
5052 Mycoplasma Pneumoniae IgG 2200
5053 Mycoplasma Pneumoniae IgM 2200
5055 EBV by PCR (Quantitative) 6500
5056 Legionella (Spot Urine) 4900
5057 Anti-Thyroid Peroxidase (TPO) 900
5058 Free Cortisol (24 Hrs Urine) 2200
5059 Ketones (Blood) 500
5060 Bile Acid (Fasting) 3800
5061 Bile Salt (Urine) 200
5062 Bile Pigment (Urine) 200
5063 Anti-EBV (EBNA-1) IgG 1500
5064 Anti-EBV IgG 3100
5065 Anti-EBV IgM 3100
5066 Anti-Gliadin IgA (Anti-DGP IgA) 3000
5067 Anti-Gliadin IgG (Anti-DGP IgG) 3000
5069 Porphobilinogen (Spot Urine) 700
5070 CALR Mutation (Exon 9 Mutation)   (Form NIBD) 17500
5073 Cholinesterase (Serum) 2500
5074 Zinc Level (Blood) 2600
5075 Zinc Level (24 Hrs Urine) 1650
5077 Erythropoietin (EPO) 6000
5078 Anti-Endomysial IgA 1850
5080 Beta-2 Glycoprotein-1 IgG 2200
5081 Beta-2 Glycoprotein-1 IgM 2200
5082 CD-4/CD-8/CD-3 with History 13750
5083 Anti-Islet (From UK) 26000
5084 Lactate Leve (Fluid) 1100
5085 Bile Salt (Fluid) 300
5086 Bile Pigment (Fluid) 300
5087 Porphobilinogen (24 Hrs Urine) 700
5088 Porphyrin (Blood)  (From UK) 41000
5089 Porphyrin (Stool)  (From UK) 26000
5090 Leptospiral IgM Antibodies  3000
5091 Anti-Neutrophil Cytoplasmic Antibodies (C-ANCA, P-ANCA) 7100
5092 Anti-Rabies Virus Glycoprotein IgG 2600
5093 Rotavirus & Adenovirus Antigen 3150
5094 BK (Polyomavirus Virus (Quantitative) 11600
5095 Calprotectin (Stool) 3800
5096 Chimerism Donor       (Form NIBD) 8500
5100 Vitamin E (From UK) 56000
5101 TKI Domain Mutations (From NIBD) 11500
5201 Duration of Abstinence 450
5202 Liquefaction Time(min) 450
5203 GROSS 450
5204 Appearance 450
5205 Consistency 450
5206 Volume 450
5207 PH 450
5208 SPERM MOTILITY (%) (100 Spermatozoa) 450
5209 a) Rapid Progression 450
5210 b) Slow Progression 450
5211 d) Immotile 450
5212 Count / ml 450
5213 Microscopic examination 450
5214 Pus Cells 450
5215 Red Blood Cells 450
5216 Epithelial Cells 450
5302 Glucose (CSF) 250
5303 Corneal  for  Grams stain 400
5304 Anti-Parvovirus B19 IgG 2900
5305 Glucose (Fluid) 250
5307 Mumps IgM Antibodies (Serum) 2000
5308 Mumps IgG Antibodies (Serum) 800
5555 test data 33
5566 Urine C/E (Complete, Analysis) 350
5567 Anti-GAD  (From UK) 28000
5568 Fluoride Level  (From UK) 36000
6001 MPN Profile     (Form NIBD) 39600
6002 Aspiration Fluid  for  (Gram Stain) 400
6003 Bronchial Washings  for  Gram Stain 400
6004 Broncho Alveolar Lavage  for  Gram Stain 400
6005 Cervical Swab  for  Gram Stain 400
6006 Cystic Fluid  for  Gram Stain 400
6007 Drain  for  Gram Stain 400
6008 Ear Swab  for  Gram Stain 400
6009 Fluid  for  Gram Stain (Specimen Name: 400
6010 Hepatic Fluid  for  Gram Stain 400
6011 Joint Fluid for Gram Stain 400
6012 Milk for Gram Stain 400
6013 Nasal Swab for Gram Stain 400
6014 Pancreatic Fluid for Gram Stain 400
6015 Pericardial Fluid for Gram Stain 400
6016 Peritoneal Fluid  for  Gram Stain 400
6018 Semen for Gram Stain 400
6019 Swab for Gram Stain (Specimen Name: 400
6020 Synovial Fluid for Gram Stain 400
6021 Tissue Biopsy for Gram Stain 400
6022 Urine for Gram Stain 500
6023 Wound Swab for Gram Stain 400
6024 CVP Tip  for  AFB Smear/ZN Stain 400
6025 DJ Stent  for  Gram Stain 400
6027 ETT Tip  for  Gram Stain 400
6028 Drain Tip  for  Gram Stain 400
6029 Wound Secreaion for Gram Stain 400
6030 Bronchial Washingss  for  AFB Smear/ZN Stain 400
6031 Urine for AFB Smear/ZN Stain 400
6032 Tissue Biopsy for AFB Smear/ZN Stain 400
6033 Fluid  for  AFB Smear/ZN Stain (Fluid Name: 400
6034 Pericardial Fluid for AFB Smear/ZN Stain 400
6035 Synovial Fluid for AFB Smear/ZN Stain 400
6036 Cystic Fluid  for  AFB Smear/ZN Stain 400
6037 Pancreatic Fluid for AFB Smear/ZN Stain 400
6038 Peritoneal Fluid for AFB Smear/ZN Stain 400
6039 Hepatic Fluid  for  AFB Smear/ZN Stain 400
6040 Joint Fluid for AFB Smear/ZN Stain 400
6041 Milk for AFB Smear/ZN Stain 400
6042 Aspiration Fluid  for  (AFB Smear/ZN Stain) 400
6043 Drain  for  AFB Smear/ZN Stain 400
6044 Swab for AFB Smear/ZN Stain 400
6045 Cystic Fluid  for  Fungus Stain/Fungal Smear (KOH) 650
6046 Nasal Swab AFB Smear/ZN Stain 400
6047 Broncho Alveolar Lavage  for  AFB Smear/ZN Stain 400
6048 Ear Swab  for  AFB Smear/ZN Stain 400
6049 Cervical Swab  for  AFB Smear/ZN Stain 400
6050 Wound Swab for AFB Smear/ZN Stain 400
6051 Ascitic Fluid  for  (Fungus Stain/Fungal Smear) (KOH) 650
6052 Aspiration Fluid  for  (Fungus Stain/Fungal Smear )(KOH) 650
6053 Bronchial Washings  for  Fungus Stain/Fungal Smear (KOH) 650
6054 Broncho Alveolar Lavage  for  Fungus Stain/Fungal Smear (KOH) 650
6055 Cervical Swab  for  Fungus Stain/Fungal Smear (KOH) 650
6056 Drain  for  Fungus Stain/Fungal Smear (KOH) 650
6057 Ear Swab  for  Fungus Stain/Fungal Smear (KOH) 650
6058 Fluid  for  Fungus Stain/Fungal Smear (KOH) (Specimen Name: 650
6059 Hepatic Fluid  for  Fungus Stain/Fungal Smear (KOH) 650
6060 Joint Fluid for Fungus Stain/Fungal Smear (KOH) 650
6061 Milk for Fungus Stain/Fungal Smear (KOH) 650
6062 Nasal Swab for Fungus Stain/Fungal Smear (KOH) 650
6063 Pancreatic Fluid for Fungus Stain/Fungal Smear (KOH) 650
6064 Pericardial Fluid for Fungus Stain/Fungal Smear (KOH) 650
6065 Peritoneal Fluid for Fungus Stain/Fungal Smear (KOH) 650
6066 Pleural Fluid for Fungus Stain/Fungal Smear (KOH) 650
6067 Semen for Fungus Stain/Fungal Smear (KOH) 650
6068 Swab for Fungus Stain/Fungal Smear (KOH) (Specimen Name: 650
6069 Synovial Fluid for Fungus Stain/Fungal Smear (KOH) 650
6070 Tissue Biopsy for Fungus Stain/Fungal Smear (KOH) 650
6071 Urine for Fungus Stain/Fungal Smear (KOH) 650
6072 Wound Swab for Fungus Stain/Fungal Smear (KOH) 650
6073 CVP Tip  for  Fungus Stain/Fungal Smear (KOH) 650
6074 DJ Stent  for  Fungus Stain/Fungal Smear (KOH) 650
6076 ETT Tip  for  AFB Smear/ZN Stain 400
6077 Drain Tip  for  Fungus Stain/Fungal Smear (KOH) 650
6078 Wound Secretion for Fungus Stain/Fungal Smear (KOH) 650
6079 Skin Scrapping for Fungus Stain/Fungal Smear (KOH) 650
6080 Hairs  for  Fungus Stain/Fungal Smear (KOH) 650
6081 Nail for Fungus Stain/Fungal Smear (KOH) 650
6082 Bone Marrow  for  Fungus Stain/Fungal Smear (KOH) 650
6083 Ascitic Fluid  for  (Fungus C/S e Fungus Stain)(KOH) 2100
6084 Aspiration Fluid  for  (Fungus C/S e Fungus Stain)(KOH) 2100
6085 Bone  for  Fungus C/S with Fungus Stain (KOH) 2100
6086 Bronchial Washings  for  Fungus C/S with Fungus Stain(KOH) 2100
6087 Broncho Alveolar Lavage  for  Fungus C/S e Fungus Stain(KOH) 2100
6088 Cervical Swab  for  Fungus C/S with Fungus Stain (KOH) 2100
6089 CVP Tip  for  Fungus C/S e Fungus Stain (KOH) 2100
6090 Cystic Fluid  for  Fungus C/S with Fungus Stain(KOH) 2100
6091 DJ Stent  for  Fungus C/S with Fungus Stain (KOH) 2100
6092 Drain  for  Fungus C/S e Fungus Stain(KOH) 2100
6093 Drain Tip  for  Fungus C/S with Fungus Stain (KOH) 2100
6094 Ear Swab  for  Fungus C/S with Fungus Stain (KOH) 2100
6095 ETT Tip  for  Fungus C/S with Fungus Stain (KOH) 2100
6096 Fluid  for  Fungus C/S with Fungus Stain (KOH) (Fluid Name: 2100
6098 Hairs  for  Fungus C/S with Fungus Stain (KOH) 2100
6099 Hepatic Fluid  for  Fungus C/S with Fungus Stain (KOH) 2100
6100 Joint Fluid for Fungus C/S e Fungus Stain (KOH) 2100
6101 Milk for Fungus C/S e Fungus Stain(KOH) 2100
6102 Nail for Fungus C/S with Fungus Stain (KOH)  2100
6103 Nasal Swab for Fungus C/S with Fungus Stain (KOH) 2100
6104 Pancreatic Fluid for Fungus C/S with Fungus Stain (KOH) 2100
6105 Pericardial Fluid for Fungus C/S with Fungus Stain (KOH) 2100
6106 Peritoneal Fluid for Fungus C/S with Fungus Stain (KOH) 2100
6107 Pleural Fluid for Fungus C/S with Fungus Stain (KOH) 2100
6108 Semen for Fungus C/S e Fungus Stain (KOH) 2100
6109 Skin Scrapping for Fungus C/S with Fungus Stain (KOH) 2100
6110 Swab for Fungus C/S with Fungus Stain (KOH) (Specimen Name: 2100
6111 Synovial Fluid for Fungus C/S with Fungus Stain (KOH) 2100
6112 Tissue Biopsy for Fungus C/S with Fungus Stain (KOH) 2100
6113 Urine for Fungus C/S with Fungus Stain (KOH) 2100
6114 Wound Secretion for Fungus C/S with Fungus Stain (KOH) 2100
6115 Wound Swab for Fungus C/S with Fungus Stain (KOH) 2100
6117 AFB C/S  (Aspiration Fluid  for  (Mycobacterium Tuberculosis)  3600
6118 AFB C/S  (Bone  for  Mycobacterium Tuberculosis)  3600
6119 AFB C/S  (Broncho Alveolar Lavage  for  Mycobacterium Tuberculosis)  3600
6120 AFB C/S  (Cervical Swab  for  Mycobacterium Tuberculosis)  3600
6121 AFB C/S  (CVP TIP  for  Mycobacterium Tuberculosis) 3600
6122 AFB C/S  (Cystic Fluid  for  Mycobacterium Tuberculosis) 3600
6123 AFB C/S  (DJ Stent  for  Mycobacterium Tuberculosis)  3600
6124 AFB C/S  (Drain  for  Mycobacterium Tuberculosis) 3600
6125 AFB C/S  (Drain Tip  for  Mycobacterium Tuberculosis) 3600
6126 AFB C/S  (Ear Swab  for  Mycobacterium Tuberculosis) 3600
6127 AFB C/S  (ETT Tip  for  Mycobacterium Tuberculosis) 3600
6128 AFB C/S  (Fluid  for  Mycobacterium Tuberculosis) (FLUID NAME?) 3600
6130 AFB C/S  (Hairs  for  Mycobacterium Tuberculosis) 3600
6131 AFB C/S  (Hepatic Fluid  for  Mycobacterium Tuberculosis) 3600
6132 AFB C/S  (Joint Fluid  for  Mycobacterium Tuberculosis) 3600
6133 AFB C/S  (Milk  for  Mycobacterium Tuberculosis) 3600
6134 AFB C/S  (Nail  for  Mycobacterium Tuberculosis) 3600
6135 AFB C/S  (Nasal Swab  for  Mycobacterium Tuberculosis) 3600
6136 AFB C/S  (Pancreatic Fluid  for  Mycobacterium Tuberculosis)  3600
6137 AFB C/S  (Pericardial Fluid  for  Mycobacterium Tuberculosis) 3600
6138 AFB C/S  (Peritoneal Fluid  for  Mycobacterium Tuberculosis) 3600
6139 AFB C/S  (Semen  for  Mycobacterium Tuberculosis) 3600
6140 AFB C/S  (Skin Scrapping  for  Mycobacterium Tuberculosis)  3600
6141 AFB C/S  (Swab  for  Mycobacterium Tuberculosis) (Specimen Name ?) 3600
6142 AFB C/S  (Synovial Fluid  for  Mycobacterium Tuberculosis) 3600
6143 AFB C/S  (Tissue Biopsy  for  Mycobacterium Tuberculosis) 3600
6144 AFB C/S  (Urine  for  Mycobacterium Tuberculosis) 3600
6145 AFB C/S  (Wound Secretion  for  Mycobacterium Tuberculosis) 3600
6146 AFB C/S  (Wound Swab  for  Mycobacterium Tuberculosis) 3600
6688 Vaccination 1 1500
7001 Factor VIII Level  1950
7002 Factor IX Level 1950
7005 von Willebrand Antigen 1950
7006 Factor II Level 1950
7007 Factor V 1950
7008 Factor X Level 1950
7009 Factor VII Level 1950
7010 Bethesda Assay (Factor VIII Inhibitor Quantitative)  7700
7022 Carrier Identification  for  Factor VIII and Factor IX Deficiency        (Form NIBD) 50000
7023 Gene Analysis of Fator VIII       (Form NIBD) 44000
7024 Sequencing of Factor VIII     (Form NIBD) 44000
7025 Sequencing of Factor IX (Genotyping Hemophilia B)       (Form NIBD) 26000
7051 Vitamin A Level  (From UK) 24000
7052 Iodine (Sport Urine)  (From UK) 20000
7053 Chromogranin A Level  (From UK) 55000
7788 Vaccination 2 1500
7901 Typhoid Vaccination  600
7902 Hepatitis "B" Vaccination  800
7903 Vaccination Charges 50
7904 Influenza Vaccination ( For  Home Visit) 1000
7905 Vaccination Charges (Company Cases) 100
7906 Chicken Pox Vaxapox Vaccination (Company Cases) 1600
7907 Doctor Visit 8000
7908 Hygiene Card 400
8002 Influenza Vaccination 625
8004 X-Ray (Outsource) 1200
8005 Audiometry / Audiogram  1500
8006 Eye Examination & Hearing Test 1500
8007 NGS Inherited Panel      (Form NIBD) 200000
8009 ECG TEST (Outsource) 1000
8010 Pink Ribbon Key Chain (Breast Cancer) 150
8011 Pink Ribbon Wrist Band (Breast Cancer) 100
8012 Ultra Sound (USG): FNAC (Procedure) 7000
8013 Thinkpink Band (Breast Cancer) 50
8014 Ultra Sound (USG): Abdomen 2000
8015 Ultra Sound (USG): Pelvis 2000
8016 Ultra Sound (USG): Abdomen & Pelvis 2500
8017 Ultra Sound (USG): KUB 2000
8018 Ultra Sound (USG): Chest 2500
8019 Ultra Sound (USG): Both Breasts 3500
8020 Ultra Sound (USG): Groin 3000
8021 Ultra Sound (USG): TVS (Transvaginal) 3000
8022 Ultra Sound (USG): Thyroid 3000
8023 Ultra Sound (USG): Superficial lump / Small Parts 3000
8024 Ultra Sound (USG): Neck (GENERAL) 3000
8025 Ultra Sound (USG): Cranial 3000
8026 Ultra Sound (USG): Obstetrical USG First Trimester 2000
8027 Ultra Sound (USG): Obstetrical USG 2nd Trimester with Anomaly Scan  2500
8028 Ultra Sound (USG): Obstetrical 3rd Trimester USG With Fetal Doppler & BPP  3000
8029 Ultra Sound (USG):Scrotal Scan (Non doppler) 3000
8030 Ultra Sound (USG): Scrotal Doppler USG 4000
8031 Ultra Sound (USG): Renal Doppler 5000
8032 Doppler: Both Arms Venous Doppler Ultrasound 3000
8033 Doppler Ultrasound: Both Legs Doppler (Arterial ) 6000
8034 Doppler Ultrasound: Both Arms Doppler Arterial  6000
8035 Doppler Ultrasound: Both Legs Doppler (Venous) 6000
8036 Ultra Sound (USG): Carotid  Doppler USG 5000
8037 Ultra Sound (USG): Trans-rectal (Trus) 6000
8038 Ultra Sound (USG): TRUS (Transrectal) USG Guided Biopsy 10000
8040 Ultra Sound (USG): TRUCUT USG Guided Biopsy  10000
8042 Ultra Sound (USG): Therapeutic TAP 5000
8043 Ultra Sound (USG): TVS Guided Aspiration / Biopsy 7000
8044 Ultra Sound (USG): PCN (Percutaneous Nephrostomy) 10000
8045 Ultra Sound (USG): Iliac Vessels Doppler Studies 3000
8046 Ultra Sound (USG): Marking for Aspiration 1000
8048 Doppler Ultrasound: Single Leg Arterial Doppler  3000
8049 Doppler: Single Arm Venous Doppler Usg 3000
8050 Ultra Sound (USG): Repeat Scan for Gallbladder After Fasting 1000
8051 Ultra Sound (USG): for Residual Urine Only 1000
8052 Echocardiography  4950
8053 Ultra Sound (USG): Penile Doppler Study 7000
8055 X-Ray: Portaable (Cxr) (1X3) 7000
8056 X-Ray: Portaable (Cxr) (1X2) 6000
8057 X-Ray: Portable Chest Ap View 5000
8058 X-Ray: Both Knees Lat View 1500
8059 X-Ray: Both Knees Ap View (Standing) 1500
8060 X-Ray: Stn 1200
8061 X-Ray: Chest PA View 1200
8062 X-Ray: Chest LAT View 1200
8063 X-Ray: Skull AP View 1200
8064 X-Ray: Skull AP/ LAT View 1500
8065 X-Ray: Abdomen Erect PA View 1200
8066 X-Ray: Abdomen Supine 1200
8067 X-Ray: KUB 1200
8068 X-Ray: Cervical Spine AP/ LAT View 1500
8069 X-Ray: Thoracic Spine AP/ LAT View 1500
8070 X-Ray: Lumbar Spine AP / LAT View 1500
8071 X-Ray: Coccyx Spine AP / LAT View 1500
8072 X-Ray: Hand AP / LAT View 1500
8073 X-Ray: Wrist Ap/Lat 1500
8074 X-Ray:  ForeArm Ap/Lat 1500
8075 X-Ray: Elbow Ap/Lat 1500
8076 X-Ray: Humerus Ap/Lat 1500
8077 X-Ray: Shoulder Ap/Lat 1500
8078 X-Ray: Clavicle Ap View 1200
8079 X-Ray: Pelvis Ap 1200
8080 X-Ray: Pelvis Ap/Lat (Peads) 1500
8081 X-Ray: Hip Ap & Lat View 1500
8082 X-Ray: Pns  45 degree  1200
8083 X-Ray: Femur Ap/Lat 1500
8084 X-Ray: Both Knees Ap / Lat View 2700
8085 X-Ray: Leg Ap/Lat 1500
8086 X-Ray: Ankle Ap/Lat 1500
8087 X-Ray: Foot Ap/Lat 1500
8088 X-Ray: Toe  1200
8089 X-Ray: Copy Of X-Ray Film  500
8091 X-Ray: Cr (1X2) 1500
8092 X-Ray: Cr (1X4) 3000
8093 X-Ray: Visa 1200
8094 X-Ray: Nasal Bone 1200
8101 X-Ray: Portaable (Cxr) (1X4) 8000
8102 X-Ray: Chest Ap 1200
8103 Doppler Ultrasound: Single Leg Varicose Veins 3000
8104 Ultra Sound (USG): Pleural Tap 7000
8105 Ultra Sound (USG): Ascitic Tap 5000
8389 Dexa Scan (BMD & Whole Body Composition) 7500
8390 Dexa Scan (Whole Spine) 6000
8391 Dexa Scan for One Region Scan (For example Lumber Spine / Femur/ Forearm etc) 5000
8855 BRCA1 and BRCA2 Genetic Analysis 0
8899 Vaccination 3 1500
9001 HLA 1 & 2 (Patient) HLA Tissue Typing       (Form NIBD) 25900
9002 HLA 1 & 2 (Donor) HLA Tissue Typing      (Form NIBD) 25900
9004 Mycodot (TB): 400
9005 Mycodot (TB) IgM By Elisa 1450
9009 Medical Examination 1000
9015 Package 1  Nurse + Assistant 24hrs 10 Days 45000
9016 Nurse 12hrs/month  75000
9017 Nursing Assisting 12hrs /month 45000
9019 HLA QD2 & QD8 Genetic Test  for  Celiac Disease      (Form NIBD) 17500
9020 Medical Certificates (Special Project) 750
9021 General Physical  Medical Examination (Special Project) 1500
9022 Vision Assessment 1500
9023 X-Ray: Chest Pa (Special Project) 1500
9025 Medical Certificates  500
9026 BMI (Weight & Height) 500
9050 Cl Blue Card  500
9052 Cl Blue Card ( For  Karachi, Rawalpindi, Islamabad Only) 250
9053 Cl Blue Card Family (Out Of Lahore) 1000
9054 Cl Blue Card Family 1000
9055 Cl Blue Card ( For  Team Member /Empolyees) 100
9056 Blue Card Counter (Out Of Lahore) 500
9057 Blue Card Renewel 200
9058 ECG Male Staff (Home Care) 1500
9059 ECG ( for  On Center Visit) 700
9071 Blue Card Conversion From Single To Family 500
9073 Blue Card  For  Senior Citizen 100
9074 HLA High Resolution (Patient)      (Form NIBD) 80000
9075 ETT Test (Exercise Tolerance Test)  5500
9076 Home General Physical Examination (Project Alc,Igil) 3000
9082 Endoscopy  15000
9083 Colonoscopy  22000
9084 Sigmoidoscopy  12000
9090 Cic Aid Digial /Programa Ble, 4 Channels, 12 Bands (Cic 2010, Cic, Trim Tech, Upto 80Db) (Audiology) 41500
9091 Pura Tone Audiometry (PTA) (Audiology) 1200
9092 Tympanaometry (Tymp) (Audiology) 1200
9093 Pure Tone Audiometry (PTA) & Tympanaometry (Tymp) (Audiology) 2000
9094 Evoked Response Audiometry (ERA) (Audiology) 5500
9095 Analog (Pt-5) (Audiology) 16500
9096 Digital With Trimmers (E.Tune Se-Bte-Dsp-Upto 75Db) (Audiology) 23500
9097 Digital With-3 Trimmers (E.Tune Pps-Bte-Dsp-Upto 120Db)  (Audiology) 27500
9098 Digital / Programa Ble,2 Channels, 4 Bands (P-660, Mini. Bte, Dac4 Mx, Upto 120Db)  (Audiology) 37500
9099 Mini Canal Aid Digial /Programa BLE, 2 Channels, 12 Bands (CE 2005, ITC, Trim Tech, Upto 80db) Analog (Audiology) 40500
9100 Mini Canal Aid Digial /Programa BLE, 2 Channels, 12 Bands (CE 2005, ITC, Trim Tech, Upto 80db) Digital (Audiology) 41800
9101 Medical Certificates (Special Project) 1000
9102 Chemical Salicylic Peeling 3000
9103 Chemical Jessners Peeling 5000
9104 PRP (Platelet Rich Plasma) Treatment Face 10000
9105 PRP (Platelet Rich Plasma) Treatment Scalp 10000
9106 Fulguration (Facial Worts) 2000
9107 Fulguration (Freckles) 2000
9108 Fulguration (Moles) 2000
9109 Cautery (Warts) 2000
9110 Cautery (Skin Tags) 2000
9111 Micro Needling 5000
9117 Physical Examination & Medical Certificate (Special Project) 2250
9122 HLA High Resolution (Donor)       (Form NIBD) 80000
9138 X-Ray: Ear Both 1500
9139 X-Ray: Heal Lat 1200
9140 X-Ray: Finger Ap View  1200
9141 X-Ray: Tibia Fibula Ap/Lat 1500
9142 X-Ray: Thumb 1200
9143 X-Ray: Neck Lat 1200
9144 X-Ray: Mandible 1200
9145 Bone Age Study ( for Insatitutonal need, Please specify in remarks) 6800
9146 CD Charges - CT (Per Study) 550
9147 CT Abdomen & Pelvis (With I/V Contrast) 18000
9148 CT Abdomen &  Pelvis (With & Without I/V Contrast) 20000
9149 CT Abdomen &  Pelvis (Without Contrast) 15000
9150 CT Abdomen With & Without I/V Contrast  18000
9151 CT Abdomen With Contrast  15000
9152 CT Abdomen Without Contrast  12000
9153 CT Angiogram run off (Chest,abdomen, pelvis and lower extremities) 25000
9154 CT Angiogram - Abdominal aorta and iliac arteries (with I/V contrast)  20000
9155 CT Angiography ( Neck / Extracranial Carotids (with I/V contrast)   20000
9156 CT Angiography Intracranial (with I/V contrast)  20000
9157 CT Angiogram of Lower Extremities (with I/V contrast)   20000
9158 CT Angiogram - Renal / Mesenteric / Hepatic (With I/V Contrast) 20000
9159 CT Angiogram - Thoracic Aorta / Chest (with I/V Contrast) 20000
9160 CT Angiogram Upper Extremity  20000
9161 CT Skull Base With Contrast 13000
9162 CT bone / Joint -3D (Specify region in remarks) 15000
9163 CT Brain and Orbits (with I/V Contrast) 12000
9164 CT Brain (with and Without I/V Contrast) 15000
9165 CT Brain (with  I/V Contrast) 10500
9166 CT Brain Without Contrast 8500
9167 CT Chest & Abdomen without contrast  15000
9168 CT Angiography Neck and Brain  25000
9169 CT Chest & Abdomen with contrast  18000
9170 CT Chest High Resolution (HRCT Chest) 10000
9171 CT Chest, Abdomen and Pelvis without contrast  18000
9172 CT Chest, Abdomen and Pelvis with contrast  23000
9173 CT Colonography without contrast  18000
9175 CT Skull base Plain  10000
9176 CT Duplicate Film (Per Copy) 1000
9177 CT Enteroclysis (Enterography)  A+ P 20000
9178 CT Face with & without contrast   15000
9179 CT Face with contrast  13000
9180 CT Face without Contrast  10000
9181 CT Fluoroscopy Guidance for Arthrography  22000
9182 CT Coronary Calcium Scoring 15000
9183 CT Guidance for Aspiration 22000
9184 CT High Resolution (HRCT) Dynamic  15000
9185 CT FNA & Core biopsy 22000
9186 CT Core Biopsy 22000
9187 CT Angio / Pyelo (Renal Donor) 20000
9188 CT Head and Neck with Contrast 18000
9189 CT Guided Bone Biopsy 22000
9190 CT Guided Celiac Axis Block  22000
9191 CT Spine Double Without Contrast (Specify region in remarks) 20000
9192 CT Chest With Contrast 15000
9193 CT Guided Repeat Biopsy 15000
9194 CT Guided Transbronchial Biopsy 22000
9195 CT Colonography with contrast  23000
9196 CT PNS with contrast 13000
9197 CT PNS Without Contrast 10000
9198 CT Limited with Contrast 10000
9199 CT Limited without Contrast 5500
9200 CT Lower limb With and Without contrast  (Single Region) 15000
9201 CT Lower Limb with Contrast  (Single Region) 13000
9202 CT Lower Limb Without contrast (Single Region) 10000
9203 CT Myelography 16000
9204 CT Neck and Chest with Contrast 18000
9205 CT Neck and Chest without Contrast 15000
9206 CT Neck without Contrast 10000
9207 CT Neck with Contrast 13000
9208 CT Neck, Chest, Abdomen and Pelvis with Contrast 28000
9209 CT Neck, Chest, Abdomen and Pelvis without Contrast 25000
9210 CT Paranasal sinuses (FESS Protocol) Without Contrast 10000
9211 CT Pelvis with & Without Contrast 15000
9212 CT Pelvis with Contrast  13000
9213 CT Pelvis without Contrast  10000
9214 CT Perfusion (Specify region in remarks) 13000
9215 CT Pulmonary Angiogram with IV Contrast 20000
9216 CT Renal Protocol (Non - Contrast) 12000
9217 CT Scan & Guided biopsy (any one region) 25000
9218 CT Scan Contrast Charges- 100 ml (non lonic) 3000
9219 CT Scan Reporting only (Per Study) 3000
9220 CT Scanogram 6500
9221 CT Spine Single Without Contrast (Specify region in remarks) 12000
9222 CT Thorax With & Without Contrast 18000
9223 CT Thorax without Contrast 12000
9224 CT Thorax with Contrast 15000
9225 CT Triphasic Abdomen (Especially for transplant patients) 25000
9226 CT Triphasic Abdomen (liver / Pancreas)  20000
9227 CT Head and Neck Without Contrast 15000
9228 CT Upper Limb with Contrast (Specify region in remarks) 15000
9229 CT Upper Limb without Contrast (Specify region in remarks) 12000
9230 CT Urography (Multiphasic) 20000
9231 CT Virtual Bronchoscopy Without Contrast 15000
9232 CT Angio Brain +  PNS 18000
9233 CT Contrast Charges 50 ml (Non-Ionic) 1800
9234 CT 3D KUB (Without Contrast) 12000
9245 CT All Joint 3D (For a Specific Region) 15000
9246 CT Biphasic with Contrast 20000
9247 CT IVU  / Pyelogram With Contrast  20000
9248 CT Lumbar Spine without contrast 12000
9249 CT Paranasal Sinuses (FESS Protocol) With Contrast 13000
9250 CT Whole Body (Head, Neck, Chest, Abdomen & Pelvis) Without Contrast 30000
9251 CT Sinogram 15000
9252 CT Spine Plain (Single Region) 12000
9253 CT Whole Body (Head, Neck, Chest, Abdomen & Pelvis) With Contrast 35000
9254 Multiphasic CT Abdomen and CT Chest 26000
9255 CT Inner Ear & Temporal Bone With & Without Contrast 15000
9256 CT Inner Ear & Temporal Bone With Contrast 13000
9257 CT Inner Ear & Temporal Bone Without Contrast 10000
9258 CT Venography Lower Limbs  20000
9259 CT PNS With and Without IV Contrast 15000
9260 X-Ray: Foot Ap 1200
9261 X-Ray: Shoulder Ap 1200
9262 X-Ray: Skull Lat 1200
9263 X-Ray: Big Toe 1200
9264 X-Ray: Knee Skyline View 1200
9265 X-Ray: Leg Ap 1200
9266 X-Ray: Hip Ap View 1200
9267 X-Ray: Dorsal Lumber Spine Ap / Lat 1500
9268 Ultra Sound (USG): Right Breast 2000
9269 CT Head and Neck (With and Without Contrast) 18000
9271 Ultra Sound (USG): Penile doppler Ultrasound 5000
9272 Ultra Sound (USG): Antenatal Fetal Feet USG 2000
9273 Ultra Sound (USG): Abdomen &  Prostate  2500
9274 CT Scan Comparison Studies 5000
9275 Ultra Sound (USG): Abdominal USG (Paeds) 2200
9277 Ultra Sound (USG): Aspiration Under USG Control 9000
9278 Ultra Sound (USG):Bilateral Leg Varicose Viens  6000
9279 Ultra Sound (USG): Saphenous Vein Mapping  3000
9281 Mammography Lexicon (Abnormal ) 3000
9282 Ultra Sound (USG): Ultrasound Lexicon (BREAST ULTRASOUND) 2500
9283 Ultra Sound (USG): Color Doppler Ultrasound of Both Lower Extremities For DVT 8000
9284 Ultra sound (USG): Ultrasound Doppler Abdomen  3000
9285 Ultra Sound (USG): SUPERFICIAL LUMP  3000
9287 Ultra Sound (USG): Right Lower Extremity Color Doppler  3000
9288 Doppler Ultrasound: Single Leg Venous Doppler  3000
9290 Ultra Sound (USG): Color Doppler (Both Lower Extremities) 6000
9292 Ultra Sound (USG):Renal  Arteries Color Doppler  5000
9294 Ultra Sound (USG): Single Arm Arterial Color Doppler   3000
9295 Ultra Sound (USG): Color Doppler USG Transplanted Kidney 4000
9297 CT Scan Reporting Three Regions or more 5000
9301 Ultra Sound (USG): Obstetrical USG Second Trimester (Triplets) 4000
9302 Ultra Sound (USG): Obstetrical USG First Trimester (Triplets) 3000
9303 Ultra Sound (USG): Obstetrical USG First Trimester (TWINS) 3000
9305 CT Scan Reporting Two Regions 4000
9308 Ultra Sound (USG): Obstetrical USG Second Trimester (TWINS) 4000
9309 Ultra Sound (USG): Left Breast 2000
9311 Ultra Sound (USG): Gall Bladder 2000
9312 Ultra Sound (USG): Cirrhotic Liver Color Doppler 3500
9313 Ultra Sound (USG): Obstetrical Triplets USG Third Trimester With Biophysical Profile Color Doppler 5000
9315 Ultra Sound (USG): Obstetrical Ultrasound Third Trimester (Twins) With Biophysical Profile 5000
9317 X-Ray: Wrists Both  Ap / Lat View 3000
9318 X-Ray: Tibia Fibula Both Ap View 1500
9319 X-Ray: Tibia Fibula Both Ap / Lat View 3000
9320 X-Ray: Thoracic Spine - Ap View 1200
9321 X-Ray: Thoracic Spine - Lat View  1200
9322 X-Ray: Shoulder Both AP View   1500
9323 X-Ray: Shoulder Both Lat View  1500
9324 X-Ray: Sacrum Spine - AP & LAT  View  1500
9325 X-Ray Sacrum Spine - AP View 1200
9326 X-Ray Sacral Spine - Lat view 1200
9327 X-Ray Sacral Spine - Ap View 1200
9328 X-Ray: Wrist -Ap View  1200
9329 X-Ray: Wrist - Lat View  1200
9330 X-Ray:Tibia Fibula -Ap View  1200
9331 X-Ray: Tibia Fibula - Lat View  1200
9332 X-Ray: Shoulder - Ap View  1200
9333 X-Ray: Shoulder - Lat View 1200
9334 X-Ray: Orbit Lat View 1200
9335 X-Ray: Orbit Ap View  1200
9336 X-Ray: Orbit Ap & Lat View  1500
9337 X-Ray: Mastoid  Lat View  1200
9338 X-Ray: Mastoid Ap View 1200
9339 X-Ray: Mastoid Ap& Lat View 1500
9340 X-Ray: Mandible Lat View 1200
9341 X-Ray: Mandible Ap View 1200
9342 X-Ray: Mandible Ap & Lat View 1500
9343 X-Ray: Knee Lat View 1200
9344 X-Ray: Knee AP View 1200
9345 X-Ray:Hip Lat view 1200
9346 X-Ray: Heel Ap & Lat View 1500
9347 X-Ray: Heel Ap View 1200
9348 X-Ray:Hand  Ap View 1200
9349 X-Ray:Hand Lat View 1200
9350 X-Ray:Forearm Ap View  1200
9351 X-Ray: Forearm Lat View 1200
9352 X-Ray: Forearm  Ap & Lat View 1500
9353 X-Ray: Foot Lat View  1200
9354 X-Ray:Elbow Ap View  1200
9355 X-Ray:Elbow Lat View  1200
9356 X-Ray: Ankle Ap View  1200
9357 X-Ray: Ankle Lat View 1200
9358 X-Ray : Reporting 1200
9359 X-Ray: Lumbar Spine Ap View  1200
9360 X-Ray: Lumbar Spine Lat View  1200
9361 X-Ray: Pelvis Ap View 1200
9362 X-Ray: Pelvis Lat View 1200
9363 X-Ray: Flexion and Extension View 1500
9364 X-Ray: Humerus Ap View 1200
9365 X-Ray: Humerus Lat View 1200
9366 X-Ray: Dorsal Lumbar Spine Ap View 1200
9367 X-Ray: Dorsal Lumbar Spine Lat View 1200
9368 X-Ray:Single knee ap and lat view 1500
9369 X-Ray: Cervical Spine AP View 1200
9370 X-Ray: Cervical Spine LAT View 1200
9371 X-Ray: Bone Age studies 1500
9372 X-Ray: Limb Salvage Study  ( Specific region in remarks) 1200
9373 X-Ray: Portable radiography (Per film) 5000
9374 X-Ray: Skeletal Survey 15000
9375 X-Ray: Calcaneus -AP & LAT 1500
9376 X-Ray: Facial bones 1200
9377 X-Ray: Lower Extremity of infant 1500
9378 X-Ray: Pelvis & Hip - Child 2000
9379 X-Ray: Pituitary fossa or sella turcica 2000
9380 X-Ray: Ribs  Ap & Lat View 1500
9381 X-Ray: Ribs- Unilateral 1200
9382 X-Ray: Scapula - AP & LAT 1500
9383 X-Ray: Soft Tissue Neck 1200
9384 X-Ray: Sternoclavicular Joint 2000
9385 X-Ray: Sternum - AP & LAT 1800
9386 X-Ray: Temporo mandibular (TMJ) Joint AP & LAT VIEW 1500
9387 X-Ray: Both S.I Joint 1200
9389 Ultra Sound (USG): Ultrasound for AVF Mapping 4000
9390 Ultra Sound (USG): DOPPLER EVALUATION OF AVF 4000
9391 Ultra Sound (USG): Ultrasound saphenous vein mapping 75000
9392 Ultra Sound (USG): Ultrasound for preoperative liver transplant 3500
9393 Ultra Sound (USG): Ultrasound for liver post transplant 3500
9394 Ultra Sound (USG):Ultrasound Adult Hip Joint 2000
9395 Ultra Sound (USG):Ultrasound neonatal spine 4000
9396 Ultra Sound (USG):Ultrasound palpable soft tissue masses  3000
9397 Ultra Sound (USG): Ultrasound Shoulder Joint/Arm 3000
9398 Ultra Sound (USG): Ultrasound Elbow Joint/forearm 3000
9399 Ultra Sound (USG): Ultrasound wrist joint and hand 3000
9400 Ultra Sound (USG): Ultrasound Neonatal Hip Joints 2000
9401 Ultra Sound (USG): Ultrasound knee joint/leg 3000
9402 Ultra Sound (USG): Ultrasound ankle joint /foot 3000
9403 Ultra Sound (USG): Ultrasound Musculoskeletal     3000
9405 CD Charges- MRI (Per Study) 550
9406 MRA Head  and Neck Without Contrast 15000
9407 MR Angiography of Spine  18300
9408 MR Continuation Scan with contrast  8500
9409 MRCP  15000
9410 MRCP + MRI Pancreas with contrast 20000
9411 MRI Reporting only (BDWI) (Per Study) 3000
9412 MRI Reporting Only (Per Study) 3000
9413 MRI Brain With Contrast  15000
9414 MRI Brain Without Contrast  10000
9415 MRI Abdomen With Contrast 15000
9416 MRI Abdomen Without Contrast 12000
9417 MRI Angiogram of abdomen with contrast 20000
9418 MRI Angiogram of abdomen without contrast 15000
9419 MRI Angiogram of Chest without Contrast 15000
9420 MRI Angiogram of Head & Neck With Contrast 20000
9421 MRI Angiogram of lower limb without contrast 15000
9422 MRI Angiogram of Upper limb without Contrast 15000
9423 MRI Arthogram (Specify Region in Remarks) 25000
9424 MRI Brain Perfusion Scan 18000
9425 MRI Breast With Contrast 20000
9426 MRI Cervical Spine With Contrast 15000
9427 MRI Cervical Spine Without Contrast 10000
9428 MRA Chest With Contrast 20000
9429 MRI Chest Without Contrast 12000
9430 MRI Duplicate Film (Per Copy) 1000
9431 MRI Enterogram with contrast  20000
9432 MRI Face and Neck with Contrast 15000
9433 MRI Face and Neck without contrast 12000
9436 MRI Lower Limb With Contrast (Specify Region in Remarks) 15000
9437 MRI Lowr Limb Without Contrast (Specify Region in Remarks) 12000
9438 MRI Lumbar Spine With Contrast 15000
9439 MRI Lumbar Spine Without Contrast 10000
9440 MRI Neck With Contrast 15000
9441 MRI Neck Without Contrast 12000
9443 MRI Orbit and Face With Contrast 15000
9444 MRI Orbit and Face Without Contrast 12000
9445 MRI Pelvis With Contrast  15000
9446 MRI Pelvis Without Contrast  12000
9447 MRI Thigh Without Contrast 12000
9448 MRI Spectroscopy (Brain ) 15000
9449 MRI Spectroscopy Prostate 15000
9450 MRI Temporo - mandibular Joint (TMJ) 15000
9451 MRI Thoracic Spine with Contrast 15000
9452 MRI Thoracic Spine without Contrast 10000
9453 MRI Upper limb with Contrast (Specify region in remarks) 15000
9454 MRI Upper limb without Contrast (Specify region in remarks) 12000
9455 MRI Venogram With Contrast (Specify regions in remarks) 20000
9456 MRI Venogram Without Contrast (Specify regions in remarks) 15000
9457 Dynamic  MRI of Abdomen (Especially for liver or Pancreas) 20000
9458 Stroke Package ( MRI Brain, MRA +Doppler Carotids) 20000
9459 MRI Both Knees 22000
9461 MRI Brain Pituitary Fossa Without Contrast 12000
9462 MRI Both Shoulders Without Contrast 22000
9463 MRI Both Shoulders With Contrast 25000
9464 MRI Cervico-Dorsal and Lumbar Spine  20000
9465 MRI Dorsal Spine With & Without Contrast 15000
9466 MRI Dorsal Spine Without Contrast 10000
9467 MRI Foot With Contrast 15000
9468 MRI Foot Without Contrast 12000
9469 MRI Left Knee Without Contrast 10000
9470 MRI Right Knee Without Contrast 10000
9471 MRI Left Knee With Contrast 15000
9472 MRI Right Knee With Contrast 15000
9473 MRI Plain Any Region 12000
9474 MRI With Contrast (Any Region) 15000
9475 MRI Shoulder With Contrast 15000
9476 MRI Shoulder Without  Contrast 12000
9477 Mammogram Both Breasts (CC/MLO) Views 6000
9478 Mammogram Right Breast (CC/MLO) Views 3000
9479 Mammogram Left Breast (CC/MLO) Views 3000
9480 Mammogram Physical Examination (By Lady Doctor Only) 1
9481 CT Chest Without Contrast 12000
9488 P-640 BTE (Audiology) 27000
9489 Procedure-A (Dermatolog) 1000
9490 Procedure-B (Dermatolog) 3000
9491 Procedure-C (Dermatolog) 5000
9492 Mesotherapy (Dermatolog) 7700
9493 Hydrafacial (Dermatolog) 6600
9494 DermaPen (Dermatolog) 4400
9495 Dermaroller (Dermatolog) 3300
9497 MRI Brain I.A.C / I.A.M Without Contrast 12000
9498 MRI Brain Pituitary Fossa With Contrast 15000
9499 MRI Cervico Dorsal Spine Without Contrast 17000
9500 MRI Dorsolumbar Spine 20000
9501 MRI Elbow With Contrast 15000
9502 MRI Hand With Contrast 15000
9503 MRI Hip Joint Without  Contrast 12000
9504 MRI Lumbar Spine + SI Joint 15000
9505 MR Mammography With Contrast 20000
9506 MRA Carotid Without Contrast 12000
9508 MRI Thigh With Contrast 15000
9509 MRI Leg With Contrast 15000
9511 MRI Humerus Without Contrast 12000
9512 MRI Wrist (Single) Without Contrast 12000
9513 MRI Abdomen & Pelvis With Contrast 23000
9514 MRI Abdomen & Pelvis Without Contrast 20000
9515 MRI Thoracic Spine With & Without Contrast 15000
9516 MRI Cervical Spine With and Without Contrast 15000
9518 MRI Brain With and Without Contrast 15000
9519 MRI Abdomen & Pelvis With and Without Contrast 23000
9521 MRI Any Joint of Lower Limb Without Contrast 12000
9523 MRA Brain Without Contrast 12000
9524 MRI Wrist Both With Contrast 25000
9525 MRI Wrist Both Without Contrast 22000
9530 Honda Category-B ( For  Bellow 40 Years) 2460
9536 ECG Female Staff (Home Care) 2000
9540 Honda Category-A ( For  Above 40 Years) 3126
9541 MRI Pelvis With and Without Contrast 15000
9542 MRI Brain & Neck Without Contrast 20000
9543 MRI Brain & Neck With Contrast 23000
9544 MRV Brain With Contrast 15000
9545 MRI Sternoclavicular With Contrast 15000
9546 MRI Sternoclavicular Without Contrast 12000
9547 MRI Sacroiliac Joint With Contrast 15000
9548 MRI Sacroiliac Joint Without Contrast 12000
9549 MRI PNS Without Contrast 12000
9550 MRI PNS With Contrast 15000
9551 MRI Elbow Without Contrast 12000
9552 MRI Right Ankle Without Contrast 12000
9553 MRI Right Ankle With Contrast 15000
9554 MRI Left Ankle Without Contrast 12000
9555 MRI Left Ankle With Contrast 15000
9556 MRI Right Arm With Contrast 15000
9557 MRI Right Arm Without Contrast 12000
9558 MRI Left Arm Without Contrast 12000
9559 MRI Hand without Contrast 12000
9560 MRI Humerus With Contrast 15000
9561 MRI Hip Joint Without Contrast 12000
9562 MRI Internal Auditory Canal (IAC) With Contrast 15000
9563 MRI Internal Auditory Canal (IAC) Without Contrast 12000
9564 MRI Knee Joint Without Contrast 10000
9565 MRI Knee Joint With Contrast 15000
9568 MRI Clavicle Without Contrast 12000
9569 MRI Clavicle With Contrast 15000
9570 MRI Dorso + Lumbar Spine Without Contrast 20000
9571 MRI Brachial Plexus Without Contrast 15000
9572 MRI Brachial Plexus With Contrast 18000
9573 MRA Carotid Without Contrast 12000
9574 MRA Circle of Willis Without Contrast 12000
9575 MRA Circle of Willis With Contrast 15000
9576 MRV Brain Without Contrast 12000
9577 MRI Orbit With Contrast 15000
9578 MRI Orbit Without Contrast 12000
9579 MRI Pelvis (Dynamic) With Contrast 20000
9580 MRI Peripheral Angiograms With Contrast 20000
9581 MRI Peripheral Angiograms Without Contrast 15000
9582 MRA Brain Without Contrast 12000
9583 MRI Brain and PNS with Contrast 20000
9584 MRI Brain and PNS without Contrast 17000
9585 MRI Anal Fistua (FIA) Without Contrast 15000
9588 MRI Wrist Single Without Contrast 12000
9589 MRI Thoraco / Lumbar Spine With Contrast 20000
9590 MRI  Anal Fistua (FIA) With Contrast 20000
9591 MRI Left Calf Without Contrast 12000
9592 MRI Right Calf Without Contrast 12000
9593 MRA Leg Without Contrast 12000
9594 MRA Leg With Contrast 15000
9595 MRI Liver Dynamic 20000
9597 MRI Reporting Two regions 5000
9598 MRI Reporting three or more Regions 6000
9599 MRI Contrast Charges 3000
9646 Echo for DCMP 4950
9647 Echo for Cor Pulmonate 4950
9648 Echo for HOCM 4950
9649 Echo for Aortic Stenosis 4950
9650 Echo for Mirtal Stenosis 4950
9651 Echo for Ischemic Heart Disease 4950
9652 Echo for Hypertension 4950
9653 CT Enterography and Colonography 20000
9654 PPEs Kit 5000
9655 Oxygen Concentrator 1000
9656 Oxygen Concentrator and Cardiac Monitor 1500
9657 Plasma at Home (Home Care) Big 10000
9658 Plasma at Home (Home Care) Small 8000
9659 Patient Bipap ICU 25000
9660 ICU Patient 6000
9922 Vaccination 4 1500
9933 Vaccination 5 1500
9944 Urine For Dog 0
9955 Urine For Cat 0
9988 Cancer Hotspot Genetic Analysis 0
9995 PDF Upload Test 350